Flying Companion Seminar
Double Eagle II Airport
Saturday, March 15, 2025
8:30 am – 4:00 pm
Do you ....
- Have someone in your life who is a pilot?
- Wonder how you could assist or be a better passenger?
- Let your fear of flying keep you from going aloft with them?
- Want to learn more about airplanes and the exciting world of general aviation?
If so, The Ninety-Nine’s Flying Companion Seminar is for you!
This fun, informative session is designed with the non-pilot in mind. Our goal is to help you become more comfortable in light aircraft and be able to have FUN! We will teach you to be an effective cockpit crew member and help address fears of flying.
This one-day ground-school only course covers topics such as:
- How the airplane flies
- How to read an aeronautical chart
- Who to talk to on the radio
- What the instruments can tell you
- What to do in an emergency
- Safety tips, weather, and much more
. . . so you can enjoy flying more and be a better Flying Companion
$60 per person; includes lunch and all materials
Late registration, $75 per person, if available
REGISTER HERE with online payment via PayPal or Credit Card.
Questions? Contact Joyce Woods at 505 974 5305
Sponsored by the Rio Grande Norte Chapter of The Ninety-Nines
The Ninety-Nines is the international organization of women pilots that promotes advancement of aviation through education, scholarships, and mutual support while honoring our unique history and sharing our passion for flight.