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The Voice of General Aviation in New Mexico

Flightline at KGNT
A key priority for the New Mexico Pilots Association is preservation of airfields and airspace for general aviation access. NMPA serves as a resource to members to protect the rights and privileges of pilots in New Mexico.

The NMPA Advocacy Committee serves as a resource to the NMPA Board to ensure a proactive and focused approach to issues and concerns of interest to general aviation pilots statewide.

nformation on such issues is shared with the Board and membership, collecting input, and providing guidance on how members as individuals can provide input to representatives or agencies on an issue. When deemed appropriate, the committee may recommend a position to the NMPA Board and when directed by the Board, communicate a position on behalf of the Association.

NMPA promotes fly-in events statewide and takes public opportunites to highlight the significant and positive economic impact of aviation, particularly to New Mexico rural communities.

Recent Issues:              DOCUMENTS - Advocacy

Bandelier Air Tour Management Plan - NMPA submitted comments in July 2023, opposing the plan as proposed.

BLM Conservation and Landscape Health Rule
- NMPA submitted comments to assure continued support of aviation access to BLM lands, June 2023

SB 239 Landing Fees
- passed in 2019, allowed fees exclude aircraft less than 12,500 lb.

NMG&F Manner & Method Hunting Rule - the existing 48 hour rule for locating game from aircraft was retained.

Lordsburg Airport (KLSB) Closure -  the Mayor of Lordsburg backed off on stated intentions to close the airport in 2018.  

USFS Planning Rule – addresses Airports on USFS lands, identifying as a facility to be managed.

Recreational Use Statute - liability protection for private landowners expanded to include aviation.

Partnership MOU signed – the New Mexico Airstrip Network (NMAN) was formalized by signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in support of recreational aviation.